NBC/CBS Fires Imus for Bad Joke But Will They Cancel Royal Caribbean Ads because of Threat Aimed at Sexual Assault Victim Who Testifed before Congress
Published: April 12, 2007
We agree that the comment made by Imus was atrocious and unacceptable. If NBC and CBS have the guts to fire Imus, then they should also refuse to run advertising from media or record companies that make a profit from the sale of degrading comedy and music albums and CD's. Will NBC refues to run ads for "Girls Gone Wild" which is Immensely more degrading?They should also refuse to run advertising for the Cruise Lines who actually do harm to people. This is based in part on evidence submitted during the hearing entitled: "Crimes Against Americans on Cruise Ships," held by the Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation. http://transportation.house.gov/hearings/Testimony.aspx?TID=599
- They tried to prevent a sexual assault victim from testifying before Congress and were a party to a threat made against her. Safe Cruise: Speaking with the Enemy: Royal Caribbean Flys its True colors http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicsasusual/2007/03/nightmare_on_th.html
- There have been no convictions of sexual predators on cruise ships for the last four decades.Safe Cruise: Perfect Record: Not One Single Conviction for Sexual Assaults on Cruise Ships in Four Decades
- They have understated the number of sexual assaults. http://www.sacbee.com/111/story/147483.html
- Their crewmembers work under sweatshop conditions. http://www.waronwant.org/?lid=2900 Safe Cruise: Florida Today Exposes Carnival "Sweat Ships": The Under Belly of the Cruise Ship Industry
- Corporate fees paid to Liberia by Royal caribbean Cruise Lines helped finance the armies of Charles Taylor, one of the worst war criminals in history. Safe Cruise: Did Royal Caribbean and Celebrity Cruise Lines Help Finance Death and Destruction in Africa?