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Safe Cruise

Project Safe Cruise Press Release: See www.projectsafecruise.blogspot.com & details below. Leave a message if you have experienced incidents involving poor security & safety practices of cruise lines. Hearings are scheduled; we will provide them to Congress. We must act to insure passenger safety. The current lack of safety & security is not acceptable especially after 9/11. On 5/12/05, we were on the Carnival Destiny near Aruba when an elderly couple disappeared without a trace.

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Location: Michigan, United States

Government could save $50 billion per year by having two shifts of white collar employees work each day. Office space costs $50,000/year for each employee yet we only use space 30% of time. We can no longer afford to have banker's hours for all. With over 2 million federal employees this cost-free paradigm change could avoid lay offs/furloughs and reduce pollution. See new plan at http://whitecollargreenspace.blogspot.com/

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Four Carnival Destiny Passengers Robbed and Two Crewmen on a Another Cruise Ship Were Stabbed

Cruise passengers robbed:
Four passengers who arrived in Antigua Thursday on the Carnival Destiny cruise ship were robbed of a quantity of cash and personal belongings. The incident reportedly took place at the Pigeon Point Beach in English Harbour. According to reports reaching the Antigua Sun, the passengers who are from Zacatecas, Mexico went on an island tour with a taxi and stopped off at Pigeon Point Beach to take a swim.

Two crewmen on a Bermuda-registered cruise ship were stabbed in a dispute on the high seas. The three disputants are from Mauritius. The two injured men are recovering in a Panamanian hospital, the suspect is locked in the ship’s brig and three Bermuda police officers have flown out to investigate. They’ll meet the ship in Aruba before going on to Panama. Bermuda police have to investigate crimes on Bermuda-registered ships in international waters.


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